When Opportunity Knocks

When Opportunity Knocks 

It’s not hard to point toward someone whom we admire in business, the community, watch on television, follow on social media or listen to on the radio. Chances are, that person has a compelling story to tell of how they got to where they are. We imagine that the story has moments of wins, losses, doubts, excitements, and fears. We listen to those stories because perhaps we are in search of something to inspire us along our personal journeys. Or could it be that in the story of others we tend to find ourselves? 

Regardless of the person telling their story, it is certain to have the element of opportunity woven in. That feeling of being in the right place and right time. Conditions that align or people with whom you come in contact that have power to advocate and make decisions on your behalf. 

Opportunities can sometimes appear to be too good to be true often because they go beyond our conventional wisdom. Opportunities trigger our urge to ask questions in search of reason and validation. Many of us are wired to proceed with caution for fear of making decisions in haste or error. In other words, we don’t have a big appetite for risk. But, if we don’t recognize the blessing in opportunity, if we don’t exercise our faith in walking toward opportunity then where are we going? 

One of our favorite and most simple illustrations of opportunity is laid out in the Book of Matthew 4:19 where Jesus came across Simon Peter and his brother Andrew who were fishing along the shore. Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”  Reading one verse further, we learn that Simon Peter and Andrew “left their nets at once and followed Him.” Matthew 4:20 The Bible is silent on whether questions were first asked, or doubts expressed. From what we can tell, there was an immediate response from Simon Peter and Andrew to the opportunity to be with Jesus. You’ll need to read further to realize the incredible journey they experienced!  

We encourage you to exercise every ounce of your faith and diligently pray for discernment so you can recognize when opportunity knocks. When it does, be ready to open the door and when you do, you too will have your own compelling story to tell.