What is your Body Telling You?

What is your Body Telling You? 

We enjoy exercising compliments of a Peloton bike we invested in a few months back. We have our personal favorites insofar as instructors. There’s one instructor, Alex Toussaint who is always high energy and will hit you with a nugget of wisdom or catch phrase. But one of his more familiar sayings is “What is your body telling you?” It’s a question Alex will ask as he encourages participants to embrace a new level of difficulty.. It’s Alex’s way of pushing his participants, challenging them to get better but to be sensitive about their pace of development. 

That same question can be applied in the context of the tests God allows us to endure as He works to strengthen us in various areas of our lives. Like Alex pushes participants physically, God pushes His followers spiritually which in many instances includes physical components. 

In Hebrews 12:1 , the Word says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”

In order for us as believers to exercise our faith and run this race we are called to run, we must consider the question, “What is your body telling you?” Are you too tired to put forth effort? Perhaps you don’t feel you have the strength to face your strongholds and overcome your temptations. Is it that you’re fearful of the unknown? Does your flesh (your body) seem to have a mind of its own to where you find yourself shutting down, procrastinating or ignoring that unexplainable feeling urging you to press forward? 

We encourage you to be sensitive to what your body is telling you so you can either cultivate what God is urging you to do or cancel any negative feelings you may be harboring. God’s desire is for us to stretch, develop and grow in relationship with Him. He wants us to understand and rely upon His strength in our weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9 

Remember, good exercise doesn’t just start and end with your body. Don’t forget the spiritual, mental and emotional exercising that must take place in your life.